Monday, August 13, 2018

Hello dear reader! , today I say goodbye since it will be my last publication
imagenes de plantillas con caras para crear y hacer memes de rana amor con meme generator

In this semester Writing in blogs was something completely new and entertaining, since in my case I find it very difficult to organize the ideas to speak in another language, and writing helped me a lot to improve that aspect. Besides that I was able to improve the writing, I increased my vocabulary a lot and I was able to know a little of the tastes of my classmates

Although the articles were interesting, I would like that in the future the topics are chosen by each person to increase the interest.
I would have liked to write something about the factical powers and their control over the world, who could be Jack the ripper, if the US possesses the power to cause earthquakes for its political and economic convenience the existence of goblins and fairies or if Jesus came from another planet .
I hope you are well and have entertained reading my blog, and thank my sister who laughed at the "gothic" of my choice of colors.
I will miss writing in my blog and I hope not to forget him so that when he is older, he can read what he wrote when he was young.
Do not forget me because maybe when you least expect it, I'll come across here with a new article about reptilians (that do exist) and various extraterrestrial species.
See you soon!
Resultado de imagen para reptilianos famosos

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