Tuesday, July 31, 2018



toda, as the title says,I will tell you a little about a person I admire.
Thisperson already dead a long time ago is one of the most intelligent figures in world history,he left us a legacy of wonderful works and a myriad of doubts about his ideas so incredibly advanced for his time  and without further preambles, this person is:

          the great LEONARDO DA                               VINCI:

Considered as the best exponent of Renaissance man and often as one of the most brilliant geniuses, he was an Italian polymath (who has knowledge of various disciplines) of the fifteenth and sixteenth century,known mainly for his outstanding talent as a painter, engineer and inventor.
His most famous pictorial works are  La Gioconda and Ultima Cena.
In addition to these works of art,he wrote a number of revolutionary ideas that could not be developed until several centuries later, some due to the technical limitations that existed at that time and others due to small inconsistencies in his sketches that made it impossible for his inventions of work.

Well I could continue writing a lot of things about him but it would be very tedious so I prefer you to wonder about what has already 
been described and if you are interested, look for more information to complement.

and tell me what is your admired person?

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