Monday, August 13, 2018

Hello dear reader! , today I say goodbye since it will be my last publication
imagenes de plantillas con caras para crear y hacer memes de rana amor con meme generator

In this semester Writing in blogs was something completely new and entertaining, since in my case I find it very difficult to organize the ideas to speak in another language, and writing helped me a lot to improve that aspect. Besides that I was able to improve the writing, I increased my vocabulary a lot and I was able to know a little of the tastes of my classmates

Although the articles were interesting, I would like that in the future the topics are chosen by each person to increase the interest.
I would have liked to write something about the factical powers and their control over the world, who could be Jack the ripper, if the US possesses the power to cause earthquakes for its political and economic convenience the existence of goblins and fairies or if Jesus came from another planet .
I hope you are well and have entertained reading my blog, and thank my sister who laughed at the "gothic" of my choice of colors.
I will miss writing in my blog and I hope not to forget him so that when he is older, he can read what he wrote when he was young.
Do not forget me because maybe when you least expect it, I'll come across here with a new article about reptilians (that do exist) and various extraterrestrial species.
See you soon!
Resultado de imagen para reptilianos famosos

Friday, August 10, 2018

                                    THE BRAIN AND ITS DECEPTIONS

Hello reader!! today I will talk about the syndrome of ekbom a very particular mental disorder ....We are in a chaotic century, people are running from one place to another, there is no time for anything, money is not enough, children do not see their parents, the streets are a terror, that is, they do not enjoy life, that to live is a constant struggle and like any battle there are warriors that are affected or fall in the fight.millions of people suffer different mental disorders, some already known others recently diagnosed, however there are some extremely strange and that makes the person is their own executioner, this is the case of ekborm syndrome, which is a delusional disorder there is the conviction Delirious to have infested the skin, internal organs or orifices by insects of all kinds, lice, worms, etc. Who suffers it makes a perfect description of how these parasites are (their size, shape, color, way of moving and reproducing, etc.). Due to this conviction, and the discomfort that this produces, scratching injuries or even dermatitis by antiseptics are frequent, which motivate numerous consultations in dermatology. Classically speaking of the Sign of the Match Box making reference to that in one of these consultations the patient can carry a small box, matches for example, where he claims to have one of the 'Bugs' that are making life impossible; the surprise happens when we open the box only observe some fuzz. Dermatologists are typically the ones who see more pictures of this type since those who suffer from this disorder, and despite the indications of the Dermatologist, rarely go to a psychiatrist's office.And as there is no better way to understand a Syndrome than with a clinical case ... Let's talk about a Fictitious patient with a fictional case, today Ms. P.

P. is a 48 year old woman who owns a bakery, married and with two daughters. Lead a totally normal life. There is no psychiatric antecedent of interest.A few months ago, while working, a burn is made although extensive in the forearm that in a few days is completely cured without the need for treatment. But since then he has noticed some strange itching in that area. Not to scratch, and of course, the more you scratch the more you itch. Start worrying Little by little, she becomes convinced that the new varieties that have started to use, that someday were of a type of parasite.

"Some almost microscopic worm" that after the burn "has nested in my body". This idea makes the whole body bite just thinking about it. Think of going to a Dermatologist to win your case. But first we decided to try to kill "the Bicho" washing over and over again with a powerful antiseptic that has to clean furnaces. Obviously his skin every time it is worse (scratching, abrasive products ...) and the itches more. Go to the most reputable dermatologist in your city. This, after conducting all kinds of tests, concludes that there is "nothing" that justifies that itch and that it might be better to visit a psychiatrist. To P. this almost seems an insult. When you get to a house you decide to buy a giant magnifying glass and turn it into an observation with all the maintenance and much more. Every inch of skin. Every little person who observes in their skin is convinced that "that damned parasites" and tries to remove them with tweezers. Each time your skin is worse. Now we present not only water injuries and chemical dermatitis, but ulcers with more than one drop of fat getting bigger and bigger. Each piece of skin that is torn off, when mistaken for a parasite, is kept in a small box of matches. Several weeks later he decides to go to the Dermatologist again. This time P. is convinced that the patient is showing that he is not "crazy" because he already has a lot of "bugs" stored in his matchbox. When your dermatologist looks under the magnifying glass, those little pellets that come out of the box only see bits of skin and fuzz. Re-inspect Ms. P.'s body and practice there is not a piece of skin that does not present self-injury (except in the center of the back where Mrs. P does not reach with her hands).

The Dermatologist has detected insistence on the need for P. to be valued by a psychiatrist, but this makes the lady feel bad so she decides to change to a dermatologist. In this case, the diagnostic complex of the syndrome  can be visualized, since the person affected will take a long time or will never recognize that he is affected by a psychiatric illnes, so he will continue with his normal life threatening  his integrity while trying to recover from his invaders by their own  means. As a new síndrome, this disease is not clear about the age range or classification of those who could suffer it most likely, so it can happen to both a child and an adult person. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Hi readers!!

Today I will talk about what I liked this semester...


Well , my favorite subject this term is research for the pharmaceutical sciences.

In this totally theoretical subject they taught us the steps that must be taken to know how to construct and understand scientific papers.

For them we were taught by various teachers that taught us how to look for information with algorithms in the virtual library of the university, and techniques to understand the document.
Like any other subject, we also had workshops and tests. In the workshops we practiced to order a paper according to the tips taught in lessons, while the test A consisted in creating an abstrac from the information given by another paper, in addition to questions about contents seen in class.
Maybe it does not sound so complicated but nerves can always play tricks on you.
This is why I liked this subject this semester since it introduced us to the field of scientific research that sooner or later we had to do, learning to understand it and to build it and above all to enjoy it.